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اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 535
187- Piaget, J. "1977"; The moral judgment of the child. New York: Penguin books.
188- Plomin, R. De Fries, J. C. Mc Clearn, G. E. & Rutter, M. "1997"; Behavioral genetics. 3rd. ed., New York: W. H. Freeman.
189- Reese, H. W. & Overton, W. F. "1970": Models of development and theories of development. "In": L. R. Goulet & P. B. Baltes "Eds.": Life- Span developmental Psychology: Research and theory. New York: Academic Press.
190- Rest, J. R. "1976"; New approaches in the assessment of moral judgment. "In" T. Lickona "Ed." Moral development and behavior: Theory, research, and social issues. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
191- Rothman, G. R. "1976"; The influence of moral resoning on behavioral choices. Child Development, 47, 397- 406.
192- Sadorow, L. W. "1995": Psychology. 3rd ed., New York: Brown & Benchmark.
193- Santrock, J. W. "1998"; Child development. 8th. ed. New York:
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194- Scarr, S. "1966": Genet: c Factors in activity motivation. Child Development, 37, 663- 673.
195- Scarr, S. & Weinberg, R. A. "1976": IQ test Performance of black children adopted by white families American Psychologyist, 31, 726- 739.
196- Scarr, S. "1996"; Best of human genetics. Contemporary Psychology, 41, 149- 150.
197- Schaie, K. W. "1965": A general model for the study of developmental Problems. Psychological Bulletin, 64, 92- 107.
198- Sears, R. R. "1960": Reporting research to Parents J. Nursery Edusation, 16, 25- 32.

اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 535
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