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اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 534
176- Meyer, W. J. & Dusek, J. B. "1979": Child Psychology: A development Perspective. Massachusetts: ction of D. S. Heath and Company.
177- Meyer, W. J. & Offenbach, S. I. "1962"; Effectiveness of reward and Punishment as a Function of task Complexity. J. of comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 532- 534.
178- Meryer, W. J. & Offenbach, S. I. "1962"; Effectiveness of reward and Punishment as a Function of task Complexity. J. of Comparative and Physiology, 55, 532- 534.
179- Moir, D. J. "1974"; Egocentrism and the emergence of conventional morality, in Preadolescent girls. Child Development, 45, 229- 304.
180- Moss, H. A. "1967": Sex, age, and state as determinants of mother- infant interaction. Merrill- Palmer Quarterly, 13, 19-36.
181- Nelson, K. E. & Reger, Z. "1995"; Children's Languge. Vol 8, Hillsdale, N. J. Erlbaum.
182- Newman, H. F., Freeman, F. W. & Holzinger, K. J. "1937": Twins: A Study of heredity and environment. Chicago: university of Chicago Press.
183- Overton, W. F. & Reese, H. W. "1973": Models of development: Methodological implications. "In" J. R. Nesselroade & H. W. Rees "Eds."; Life- Span developmental Psychology: Methodological issues New York; Academic Press.
184- Parke, R. D. & Walters, R. H. "1967"; Some Factors influencing the efficacy of Punishment training for inducing response inhibition. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 32 "1, serial No. 109".
185- Pasamanic, B. & Knoblock, H. "1966": Retrospective Studies of the epidemiology of reproductive casualty: old and new. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 12, 7- 26.
186- Piaget, J. "1972": Intellectual evaluation from adolescence to adulthood. Human Development, 15, 1- 12.

اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 534
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