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اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 536
199- Sears, R. R. "1961": Mark twain's dependency and despair. Conference of American Psychological Association. New York; September.
200- Sears, R. R. "1961": Dependency. Palo Alto, Calif., Stanford university.
201- Sears, R. R. "1961": Relationship of early social experiences to aggression in middle childhood. J. of Abnormal Psychology, 63, 3,466- 492.
202- Sears, R. R. "1963": Dependency motivation. "In" M. R. Jones "Ed."; Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Lincoln: university of Nebraska Press, PP. 25- 64.
203- Sears, R. R. "1965": Development of gender role. "In" F. A. Beach "Ed.", Sex and behavior, New York; Wiley, PP. 133- 163.
204- Selman, R. L. A. "1973"; A Structural analysis of the ability to take another's social Perspective: stages in the development of role taking ability. Paper Presented at the meeting of the society for Research in child Development, Philadelphia.
205- Sears, R. R. "1975": Your ancients revisited: A history of child development. "In" E. M. Metherington "Ed.", Review of child development research. Vol. 5, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
206- Shantz, C. U. "1975"; The development of social cognition. "In" E. M. Hetherington "Ed.", Review of child development research. Chicago: university of Chicago Press.
207- Siegelman, E. "1969"; Reflective and impulsive observing behavior. Development, 40, 1213- 1222.
208- Skinner, B. F. "1969"; Contingencies of reinforcement: A theoretical analysis. New York: Appleton- Century. Crofts.
209- Skodak, M. & Skeels, H. M. "1949": A Final follow up study of one hundred adopted children. J. of Genetic Psychology, 75, 85-125.

اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 536
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