اسم الکتاب : السيرة النبوية بين الآثار المروية والآيات القرآنية المؤلف : الدبيسي، محمد بن مصطفى الجزء : 1 صفحة : 623
are discussed, along with quotations from Montgomery Watt and a discussion of the approach followed by Orientalists in dealing with his biography.
The following issues are handled here : the chest - incision incident and an analysis of ""; the Messenger's protection by Allah even before his mission started; his marriage to Khadeejah; his participation in reconstructing the Ka'bah; and commenting on what Watt said in this regard.
Section Two : discusses the heralds of the Messenger's mission, including those by previous prophets (peace be upon him), the heralds mentioned in his biography (Seerah), the relevant foretelling by Christians, related Ayahs / verses, and once again a discussion of Watt's view.
Section Three : relates to the advent of the revelation, with issues discussing the heralds, the mission and prophecy, revelation and its levels, the call, the Ayahs / verses of Al - Muzzamil and Al - Muddathir, announcing the call in public, and the commencement of persecution and harm.
Chapter 3 handles the Madinah phase.
In Section One, the foundations of establishing the Islamic society are discussed through the issues of :
- Building the mosque
- Establish fraternity between the Muhajireen and the Ansaar
- The pact between inhabitants of Al - Madinah
اسم الکتاب : السيرة النبوية بين الآثار المروية والآيات القرآنية المؤلف : الدبيسي، محمد بن مصطفى الجزء : 1 صفحة : 623