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اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 532
154- Kohlberg, L. & Krammer, R. "1980"; Continuities and discontinuities in childhood and adult moral development. Human Development, 12, 93- 120.
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156- Langer, J."1969": Theories of development. New York: Hotl, Rinehart. And Winston.
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158- Le Furgy, W. G. & Woloshin, G. W. "1969"; Immediate and long- term effects of experimentally induced social influence in the modification of adolescent's moral judgements. J. Of Abnormal social Psychology, 12, 104- 110.
159- Lerner, M. & Spanier, B. "1980"; Adolescent development; A life- span Perspective. New York: Mc Graw Hill book Co.
160- Lickona, T. "1967"; Moral development and behavior: Theory, research and social issues. New York: Holt, Rineharc and Winston.
161- Lockman, J. J. & Thelen, E. "1993"; Developmental biodynamics: Brain, body, behavior connectinons. Child Development, 64, 953- 959.
162- Lorenz, K. "1965": Evolution and modification of behavior. Chicago: university of Chicago Press.
163- Lourenco, o. & Machado, A. "1996"; In defence of Piaget's theory: A reply to 10 common criticisms. Psychological Review, 103, 143- 164.
164- Luria, A. R. "1966": Higher Cortical functions in man. New York: Basic Books.

اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 532
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