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اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 530
131- Gormly, A. V."1997"; Life- Span human development. 6 th ed., New York: Harcout. Brace college Publisher.
132- Hagen, J. W. "1976"; The effects of distraction on selective attention. Child Development, 38, 685- 694.
133- Handrick, J. "1992"; The Whole Child: Developmental education for the early years. 5th ed. New York: Macmillan, Publishing Co.
134- Herriot, P. "1970"; An introduction to the Psychology of language. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.
135- Hess. E. H. "1972": Ethology and developmental Psychology. "In" P. H. Mussen "Ed.", Carmichail's manual of child Psychology. New York: Wiley.
136- Hirsch, J. "1963"; Behavior genetics and individuality understood. Science, 142, 1436- 1442.
137- Hoffman, M. L. "1970"; Moral development. "In". P. H. Mussen "Ed."; Carmichael's manual of child Psychology. New York: Wiley.
138- Hogan, R. "1973"; Moral Conduct and moral Character: A Psychological Perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 79, 217- 232.
139- Honzik, M. p. "1957": Developmental Studies of Parent- Child resemblances in intelligence. Child Development, 28, 215- 228.
140- Honzik, M. P. "1963"; A sex difference in the age of onset of the parent- child resemblance in intelligence. J. of Educational Psychology, 53, 231-237.
141- Honzik, M. P., Macfarlane, J. W. & Allen, L. "1984": The Stability of mental test Performance between two and eighteen years. J. of experimental Education, 17. 309- 324.
142- Jensen, L. "1985"; Adolescence: Theories, research, applications. New York: West Publishing Co.
143- Jones, H. E.Conrad, H. S. & Jones, M. C."1973"; Physical maturation among boys as related to behavior. J. of Educational Psychology, 41, 129- 148.

اسم الکتاب : علم نفس النمو المؤلف : حسن مصطفى عبد المعطي    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 530
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