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اسم الکتاب : دراسات في الفن الصحفي المؤلف : إبراهيم إمام    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 331
Johnson, G, What is News? "Knopf, 1923".
Kidera,R., Fundamentals of Journalism "Milwaukee, 1951".
Kobre, S., Backgrounding the News "Baltimore, 1909".
Kobre, S. & Parks, J., Psychology and the News "Florida, 1955".
Lundy M., Ed., Writing Up the News "Dodd, Mead, 1939".
MacDougall. C, Covering the Courts, "Prentice - Hall, 1946".
Marz, J., Die Moderne Zeitung. "Miinchen, 1951".
Morrison, S., The English Newspaper "1622 - 1932" C. N. P.
Mott, F.L., Interpretations of Journalism. "Crofts, 1987".
Northrop, F. S., The Logic of Science.- md the Humanities "Mcmilhui
Oswald, J. K. A History of Printing "Appleton 1928".
Eadder, N. & Stempel, J., Newspaper Editing, Makeup & Headline-, "Mcgraw Hill, 1942".
Siebert, F., The Bights and Priveleges of the Press. "Appleton, Century, 1934".
Smithers, P., The Life of Joseph Addison "Oxford. 1954"
Steed. H. W., The Press. "Penguin, 1938".
Steele, E. Tracts and Pamphlets "0. U. P.. 1944".
Straumann, H., Newspaper Headlines "Allen & L'nwin, 1935".
Sunderland, J., Defoe ,'Methuen, 1950".

اسم الکتاب : دراسات في الفن الصحفي المؤلف : إبراهيم إمام    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 331
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