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اسم الکتاب : علم اللغة مقدمة للقارئ العربي المؤلف : السعران، محمود    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 317
61 - Jspersen, Otto:
The Philosophy Of Grammar.
London, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., Reprinted 1948 (First Published in 1924) .
62 - Jspersen, Otto:
Mankind, Nation And Individual from a Linguistic Point of Vew. London, 1946. (Oslo 1925) .
63 - Jspersen, Otto:
Language: Its Nature, Development And Origin. London, George Allen and Ltd., (1 st Published 1922) . Reprinted 1947.
64 - Jones, Daniel:
An Outline of English Phonetics. Sixth Edition, Heffer, Cambridge, 1947.
65 - Jones, Daniel: Chronemes, And Tonemes Acta L' nguistica.
66 - Joos, Dartin: Acoustic Phonetics.
"Language Monograpgs" No. 23, 1948.
67 - Joos, Martin: Editor of:
Readings In Linguistics: The development of Descriptive Lingustics in
America Since 1925. Second Edition, Edited for the Committee on Language Programs. American Council of Learned Societies, New York, 1954 (Lithographed in the U. S. A. by The Art Litho Company, Baltimore,
Maryland) .
68 - Korzybski, Alfred:
Science And Sanity; An Introduction To Non - Aristotilian System
And General Semantics. Lancaster, Science Press, 1933.
69 - Lee, Irving:
Language Habits In Human Affairs, An Introduction to General Semantics. New York, Haper, 1941.

اسم الکتاب : علم اللغة مقدمة للقارئ العربي المؤلف : السعران، محمود    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 317
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