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اسم الکتاب : علم اللغة مقدمة للقارئ العربي المؤلف : السعران، محمود    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 315
41 - Harrell, Richard S.
The Phonology Of Colloquial Egyptian Arabic. American Council of Learned Societies - Program in Oriental Langages - Publications Series B - Aids - Number 9.
New York, 1957.
42 - Harris, Zelling:
From Morpheme To Utterance. "Language", 22, pp. 161 - 183. Readings in Linguistics, pp. 142 - 153.
43 - Harris, Zelling S.:
Morpheme Alternants In Linguistic Analysis. "Language", 18, pp. 169- 180. (Readings In Linguistics pp. 109 - 115) . 44-Harris, Zelling S.:
Methods In structural Linguistics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1951.
45 - Hocktt, Charles R:
A System of Descriptive Phonology. "Language", No. 18, pp. 3 - 21, 1942.
46 - Hocktt, Charles R.:
A Manual of Phonology.
International Journal of American Linguistics, XXI, 1955. 47-Hockett, C. F.:
A Course In Modern Linguistics. New York, 1958.
48 - Hoenigswald, Henry M.:
The Principal Step In Comparative Grammar.
"Lingua" 26, pp. 357 - 364, 1950.
Republished In: Martin. Joos; Readings In Linguistics, pp. 298 - 302.
49 - Hudson - William, T.:
A Short Introduction to The Study of Comparative Grammar (Indo-
Eurooean) . Cardiff, The University of wales Press Board, 1935.

اسم الکتاب : علم اللغة مقدمة للقارئ العربي المؤلف : السعران، محمود    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 315
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   الجزء :
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