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اسم الکتاب : علم اللغة مقدمة للقارئ العربي المؤلف : السعران، محمود    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 313
21 - Coustenobl, Helene N. And Armstrong, Lilas E.: Studies In French
Intonation. W. Heffer & Sons ltd., Cambridge, First Edition, 1934
22 - Diringer, David:
The Alphabet, A Key To The History of Mankind. New York, Philosophical Library, 1948.
23 - Driver, G. R.:
Semitic Writing From Pictograph to Alphabet. London, 1948.
24 - Firth, John Rupert: Speech.
Been; 1930.
25 - Firth, J. R:
The Word'Phoneme.
"Le Maitre Phonetique", No. 46, 1934.
26 - Firth, J. R.:
The Technique of Semantics
Transactions of The Philological Society of Great Britain, 1935.
27 - Firth, J. R.:
The Use And Distribution of Certain English Sounds.. "English Studies" XVII, 1 Februry 1935.
28 - Firth, J. R.:
The Tongues of Men.
Watts And Company, London, 1937. 29-Firth, J. R.:
The Semantics of Linguistic Science.
"Lingua", Volume I, 4 Sept. 1948. 30-Firth, J. R.:
Sounds And Prosdoies.
Transactions of The Philogical Society of Great Britain, 1948. 31 -Firth, J. R.:
The Technique of Semantics.
"Lingua", Volume I, 4 Sept. 1948.

اسم الکتاب : علم اللغة مقدمة للقارئ العربي المؤلف : السعران، محمود    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 313
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   الجزء :
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