اسم الکتاب : جغرافية المناخ والنبات المؤلف : يوسف عبد المجيد فايد الجزء : 1 صفحة : 366
14 — Glinka, K. D"The Great Soil Groups of the world and Their Development". English translation by C. F. Marbut. Edwards Bros, Inc., Ann. Arbor., Mich., 1927.
15— Hardy, M. F. "The Geography of Plants". Oxford University Press, New York, 1944.
16— Haurwitz, Berohard and James M. Austin'Climatology Mo Giaw-Hill Book Comp. Ioc. New York, 1944.
17— Hinds, N. E. A. "Geomorphology» Prentice - Hall, Inc,New York, 1952.
18— Kendrew, W. G."Climatology 3d. ed. "Climate". Oxford University Prese, New York, 1949.
19— Kuchler, A.W. "A Geographic System of Vegetation, Geog. Review, Vol. 37, pp. 233-240, 1947.
20— Lake, Philip. "Physical Gaography". Cambridge University Press, London and New York 1949.
21— Landeberg. Helmut. "Physical CJimstology". State College. Pennsylvania, 194l.
22— Lobeck, A. K. "Geomorphology ; An Introduction to the Study of Landscpea" McGraw-Hill Book Comp., Inc. New York, 1939.
23— Martonne,Enimanuel de. "A.Shorter Physical Geography" Alfred A. Korpf, New York, 1927.
24— Miller, A. Austin. "Climatology". 8d ed. E. Dutton & Co., Idc, New York, 1953.
25— Newbegin. Marion I, "Plant and Animal Geography" Methuen & Co., 1td., London, 1936,
26— Pettersen. Severre. "Introduction to Meteorology". McGraw-Hill Book Company. Inc. New York, 1941.
27— Richards, P. W. " The Tropical Rainforest., an Ecological Study". Cambridge University Presff. New York, 1952.
28— Robinson, Gilbert W. "Soils: Their Origin, Constitution, and Classifaction". 2 d ed. Thomas Muriy and Com, London, 1938.
29— Shaniz. H. L. and C, F. Marbut. The Vegetation and Soils of Africa. Research Series no, 13, American Geographical Society, New York. 1923,
اسم الکتاب : جغرافية المناخ والنبات المؤلف : يوسف عبد المجيد فايد الجزء : 1 صفحة : 366