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اسم الکتاب : العرب في العصور القديمة المؤلف : لطفي عبد الوهاب    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 486
- Burckhardt: Travels in Arabia "Reprint", London, 1968.
- Bury, J.B.: A History of Greece, 2 nd ed, london, 1945.
- ": A History of the Later Roman Empire, London, 1923.
- Caetani, L.: Studi di Storia orientale, Milano, 1911.
Cary, M,: A History of Rome, 2 nd. ed, London, 1960.
- Dussaud, R.: La Penetration des Arabes en Syrie avant IIslam, Paris, 1950.
- Gadd, C.G.: The harran Inscription of Nabonidus "Anatolian Studies, VIII", 1958.
- Grohmann A.: Kulturgeschichte des Alten Orients "III, 4" Arabien, Muenchen, 1963.
- Guidi, Ign.: L'Arabie Anteislamique, Paris, 1921.
- Hitti, Ph. K.: History of the Arabs, 7 th ed, London, 1961.
- Hommel: Ethnologie and Geographie des Alten Orients, I, Muenchen, 1969.
- Hourani, G.F.: Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times, Beirut, 1963.
- Huzayyin, S.: Changement Historique du Climat et du Paysage de l'Arabie du Sud "Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, University of Egypt, III, Part I", 1935.
- Kammerer, A: pétra et la Nabaténe, L'Arabie Pétrée et Les Arabes du Nord Jusquéa l'Islam "Texte" Paris, 1929.
- Lammens, H.: L'Arabie Occidentale avant l Hegire, Beyrouth, 1928.
- ": Le Berceau de l'Islam, I, Romae, 1914.
- Margoliouth, D.S.: The Origins of Arabic Poetry "JRAS", July, 1925.
- Montgomery: Arabia and the Bible,Philadelphia, 1943.
Moscati, S.: The Semites in Ancient History, Cardiff, 1959.
- Moritz: Arabien, Studien zur Physikalischen und Historischen Geographie des Landes, Hanover, 1923.
- Musil, A.: Arabia Deserta, New York, 1927.
- ": Northern Negd, New York, 1928.
- Niebuhr: Travels Through Arabia "Eng???thr" Edinburgh, 1792.
- Otto, W. & Bengtson, H.: Zur Geschichte des Niederganges der Ptolemaie-rreiches, Muenchen, 1938.
- Philby, H.: the Background of Islam, Alexandria, 1947.

اسم الکتاب : العرب في العصور القديمة المؤلف : لطفي عبد الوهاب    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 486
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